"the lights are on...but, no one is home" initially i was prompted to draw this from an idea that spawned from my girlfriend alisa, who requested a drawing with something along the lines of a "fat house ass hat"...? then, after a long and repetitious conversation with my mother, drunk on wine. i made the house the head, and the lack of senses taking a peek in the window. "ooooh so artsy", i know. but, this is definately one of my favorites.

clipping from a magazine, altered with micron pen and white out. phrase taken from an exerpt of the anonymously written "manifesto"

one of my favorite subjects. David Slentz, an old sociapathic co-worker with an immense creepiness and contagious depression. favorite catch phrase "maneschevitz!! WHAT A WINE!"

first three in a series of teachers and administrators in middle school

sketch one in the series of "handimals"

randomness with micron pens

strange creature in the desert. direct result of long night of upper abuse. i'm a bad man.

confused glonga, before i add the watercolor wash for the background

side-view of an employee at my old office in mid town. very very sad man.